On the 25th july 2010, i went to the food festival at chinatown. There, i bought my favourite traditional foods, muah chee and tutu kueh. tutu kueh is made mainly from rice or glutinous rice, with either coconut, peanut or chocolate as filling. thinking why pandan leaves are use to served? Pandan leaves are used as they can add fragrance to it. this delicious chinese traditional delicacy is only 5 for $2!
Muah chee is actually cooked flour coated with peanut. however, it is not easy to make. The muah chee is very chewy, which is the reason why many loves it. However, this stall i bought from, he cuts the muah chee but it sticks together again. They say :" it takes skills for them not to stick together." in the end, i end up eating large pieces of them. Each packets cost $2, but i heard from my mum it only costs $1 in about the year 2000.
YewPeng 3E2
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