at the hawker centre i ordered two of the dishes i ordered was mee rebus for $3.the mee rebus had a thick gravy which was not too spicy and damn tasty at the same time.the dried onions , green chilliesand bean sprouts give it a crunchy taste.the dried beancurd adds more flavour to the mee rebus.overall the mee rebus was a very tasty and healthy dish that everyone should try!!!!!:D
*i wasn't able to take a picture of the shop because the uncle did not allow me toooo...:'(
the next dish i ordered was roti prata!!!!i ordered two pratas with chicken curry for $5.the roti prata was crispy on the outside and soft and fluffy on the inside.the chicken curry was spicy and compliments with the prata.the chicken was not overcooked and the curry was not too oily.this made the chicken curry taste very nice.Overall,the roti prata tasted delicious......and i managed to take a picture of the shop....:D
hot drink which gave a good satisfaction after eating the spicy food.having a cup of the hot teh tarik was a delightful way to end eating.
since there are many races living in singapore,shops should consider the certain aspects of different religions.for example, hindus are unable to eat beef.another example is when muslims eat halal food.i saw a signboard which says "we serve halal food".this goes to show that the aspects of certain religions are considered and not ignored.
Singapore is a multiracial country.not only chinese , malay and indians.....but also people of various religions , from different parts of the world live in Singapore.when i was eating...i took a pictuer of an american lady(actually i don no her exact race....) happily eating her mee rebus....
this tells that even though she is a westerner she enjoys the local dish...:D

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